Hide My WP | Wordpress Plugins

Hide My WP

Hide My WP | Wordpress Plugins

In most cases we prefer to hide the fact that we are using a blogging platform for our entire business. Hide My WP Nulled 4.5.4 free download nulled at wordpresstool.com From other side every day a couple of new security bugs found in plugins, themes and WordPress itself.
This is natural for a popular software but are we safe? Can all plugin authors be notified timely about bugs? Are all of them responsible for security problems they generated? or Can we update our themes and plugins everyday? Hide My WP v4.5 created to help us. It not only boosts our security but it also allows us to have more beautiful URLs and permalinks!

Boost your security with Hide My WP Nulled

Hide My WP Nulled control access to PHP files. It protects your site from almost  90% of SQL-Injection and XSS attacks caused by direct access to PHP files. This means you can install unsafe plugins without worry about security.

Change WordPress permalinks

The magic starts now… But before it please note everything is in its default location and we just control access to it. This guarantees maximum compatibility for our plugin

Also see our toturial Hide My WP

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