Make website content more awesome by using free plugin 'Animate it!' By eLEOPARD Design Studios
Animate it!
This Free Plugin allow to apply CSS3 animation on Post,Widget and Pages, 50+ Entry,Exit and Attention Seeker Animations, Capability to apply animation on Scroll also add different scroll offset on individual animation blocks, by using this plugin you can apply animtion on Click,Hovar etc in simple you can mak your website content more awesome.
All the CSS3 animations are from Animate.css and Animo.jsSome of the Key features Include:
- Providing a button in the editor to easily add an animation block in the article or post.
- Allow user to add animation on WordPress widgets. Use Class Generator to generate the required animation classes.
- Allow user to apply animation infinitely or any fixed number of times.
Add cool CSS3 animations to your content